- og for alle andre, naturligvis ...
- and for everybody else, of course ...
Jeg har haft lidt svært ved at få drenge til at drikke varm kakao; det er bare ikke noget de hidtil har fundet særligt lækkert. Det kan måske skyldes, at kakaoen, når der er flødeskum i, hurtigt mister sin varme og bliver halvlunken og ikke så lækker at drikke. Men, hvem vil undvære flødeskum? Ikke os, i hvert fald ...
Derfor kom jeg på denne idé:
I stedet for store glas, købte jeg disse meget små "shot" glas. Selv om de ser store ud på mine fotos, er de ikke særligt høje. Dertil kommer, at de er smalle.
Vi puttede hakket crunch-mælkechokolade i kakaoen, så den blev både lækker og knasende. Og, så forblev den varmere i længere tid ...
Dét vakte begejstring.
I have found it rather difficult to get boys to drink hot cocoa; they just don't seem to find it especially yummy ...It could perhaps due to the fact that hot cocoa lukquickly gets lukewarm due to the whipped cream. But whipped cream - well, that we wouldn't want to miss.
Therefore I came up with this idea:
Instead of big glasses, I bought some very small "shot" glasses. Even though they look big on my photos, they really are very small and narrow.
We chopped up some crunchy milk chocolate and put it in the cocoa to get a delicious taste and a crunchy texture. And then the cocoa stayed hotter for a longer time ...
They just loved it.
mmm looks delicious!
SvarSletThese look yummy! I don't ever have whipped cream on hand, we do marshmallows sometimes though. My son drinks cocoa almost everyday because he sees me drinking tea and wants some. He calls it his "coffee"
SvarSletso yummy,
SvarSlethope you can visit my Inspire me Monday
YUmmmmm. thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!