Her er en nem, rustik og særdeles billig måde at pynte tallerkenen på. Placér blade og perle, som du har lyst for at skabe det look, du gerne vil have. Så enkelt.
An easy, rustic and very cheap way to decorate your plate. You can arrange leaves and pearl in different ways to obtain the look you want. So easy.
That is adorable!
SvarSletHave a good weekend!
Hi Milena,
SletSo glad to hear from you again. Glad you like it.
Have a lovely day.
Oh how cute, I'm drawn to Ivy as part of a bouquet or any arrangement. Enjoy your weekend.
SletThanks for stopping by - and your very kind comment. I just love ivy myself - and then it can be found almost everywhere. Have a lovely Monday!
This is so cute! Thank you for sharing! Have a great week!
SvarSletLinda @ Mixed Kreations
Hi Linda,
SletThank you for your nice words. Have a great Monday!
nice blog checkout my post about the germination of seeds
don't be shy to leave a comment and like us on facebook
Vackra dekorationer. Fint med den gröna murgrönan till. kram bibbi
SvarSletHej Bibbi
SletMange tak for dine pæne ord. Elsker selv efeu - kram fra mig - og en god dag til dig.
Quite lovely.
SvarSletCheers Kate.
SletHave a nice day.
Beautiful and so creative. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty
SvarSletHi Marty,
SletCheers for stopping by. My absolute pleasure.
Have a lovely day!
Det er så smukt! Virkelig skøn, og enkelt! Jeg vil rigtig gerne prøve dette - og "pinner" den også i Pinterest :-)
SvarSletHejsa Nina
SletDejligt, at du synes om det. Jeg er selv mest til det ret enkle - du ved, "less is more" - for det meste .0)
Ha' en dejlig dag!
woooow beautiful creative.
SvarSletHi there
SletThanks for your kind comment. Always an inspiration to visit your blog.
Have a nice day!