Da jeg fandt en gammel mælkeflaske her forleden, syntes jeg, at den kunne være fin til et par efterårsgrene, der stadig havde dejligt grønne blade.
Jeg pyntede den bl.a. med lidt med snor og bånd, et par bog fra et bøgetræ i haven - hvor jeg limede et par hvide filtkugler - og et agern, som jeg malede med sølvakrylfarve for længe siden.
I found a beautful milk bottle the other day and thougt that it would look nice with a few autumn branches that still had lovely green leaves.
I decorated it with a few things - such as string, ribbon, an acorn that I painted with silver acrylic paint a long time ago and a pair of shells from beechnuts with glued white felt balls in the middle.
Great idea
SvarSlethugs Tamara
This is so pretty! Thanks so much for sharing at the Krafty Inspiration Thursday party. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to this week, the party is live at 6 am est.
SvarSletHappy Thursday
Maria @ Krafty Cards etc.