Oh, I'm so absolutely surprised.
This morning I received the great news that Kenzie and Kayla from one of my favourite blogs - Orchard Girls - http://orchardgirls.blogspot.dk - 2 very creative girls - have nominated my blog for a Liebster Award.
I have to be frank and say that I'd never heard about it till then, so I'm so happy. What a great way to start the weekend! Thank you so much ...
The idea with the Liebster Award is to to find new blogs that have less than 200 followers and to show them some love! many of them really deserve it.
Here are the Rules of The Liebster Award:
1. Link back to the nominating blog.
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 5-11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
5. Ask the nominees 11 new questions.
6. Contact the nominees to congratulate them and let them know they were nominated.
Here are the questions that I was given to answer from Kenzie and Kayla:
1. What is/are your favorite color(s) to decorate with?
Helle: I haven't really got a favourite colour. What I use for decorating depends on usage and surroundings.
2. If you could go back in time and tell your younger self ONE thing, what would it be?
Helle: Life is full of possibilities - grab them!
3. Coke or Pepsi?
Helle: Definitely Pepsi - and preferably Pepsi Max
4. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Which ones?
Helle: Not on a regular basis. I do read a few, though.
5. On average, how much time do you spend on your computer in a day?
Helle: A few hours.
6. Are you currently reading a book? Which one?
Helle: Loads of kids' books. I've got 2 younger kids and I'm a teacher.
7. Where did you go on your longest road trip?
Helle: From Denmark to Venice, Italy.
8. As a kid, what did you want to be when your "grew" up?
Helle: Like many other children I'd love to be a vet or a biologist.
9. What is your best habit?
Helle: Oh, I'm not the right one to say. I'll let others decide.
10. What is one item you ALWAYS have with you?
Helle: A pen.
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Helle: Say "goodnight and sweet dreams" to everyone in my family.
Here are 11 random facts about me:
I have 4 children.
I love rice cakes - can hardly imagine a day without - ha, ha ..
Our first dog was a German Shepherd - the only dog for me!
I love travelling and meeting new cultures and people.
My favourite season is autumn. I prefer a cold and rainy day to a humid and very warm day.
I love to watch and play golf. Is just so relaxing and at the same time challenging!
When I was a child - living in the countryside, my sister and I had 31 rabbits!
I prefer small shops to huge shopping malls.
My favourite actor is Robert Redford.
I love visiting museums and galleries with my children.
I absolutely don't like - it's fair to say - HATE - blue cheese.
I love rice cakes - can hardly imagine a day without - ha, ha ..
Our first dog was a German Shepherd - the only dog for me!
I love travelling and meeting new cultures and people.
My favourite season is autumn. I prefer a cold and rainy day to a humid and very warm day.
I love to watch and play golf. Is just so relaxing and at the same time challenging!
When I was a child - living in the countryside, my sister and I had 31 rabbits!
I prefer small shops to huge shopping malls.
My favourite actor is Robert Redford.
I love visiting museums and galleries with my children.
I absolutely don't like - it's fair to say - HATE - blue cheese.
Here are the blogs that I nominate for The Liebster Award:
1. Milena from Scent of Style - http://scentofstyl.blogspot.dk/
2. Anastasia from Free Style Creating - http://freestilcreatingbyvilly.blogspot.dk
3. Nina from Mietteitä matkan varrelta - http://matkanvarrelta-nina.blogspot.dk/
4. Ruth from Craft with Ruth Cartwright - http://craftwithcartwright.blogspot.dk/
5. Kimberly from Twinkling Trees - http://www.twinklingtrees.com/
6. Anna from Annasimplecrochet - http://annasimplecrochet.blogspot.dk/
And, here are my questions for my nominees:
1. Where do you seek inspiration for your crafts?
2. Which season do you prefer - and why?
3. Do you have a favourite dish? If so, which?
4. Do you prefer to go to the movies or watch films at home?
5. On average, how many days a week do you craft?
6. Do you have a favourite colour?
7. Steak or soup?
8. Do you have any pets?
9. What is your best craft so far?
10. Shoes or bags?
11. Where would you spend your dream holiday?
Once again, thanks a lot to Kayla and Kenzie for my nomination - and congratulations to my 6 nominees. Looking forward to reading your answers to my questions and the 11 random facts.
Lots of hugs from,
Congrats for your award !
SvarSletHave a nice weekend !
Nomination - .0)
SletI've nominated you, as well!
Congo for your award :)
SvarSletNoor @ Noor's Place
Thanks, Noor
SletSo nice of you to stop by .0)
Have a great weekend!
Hi Helle,
SvarSletCongratulations on the award, and thank you so much for the nomination!
I enjoyed reading the questions and answers - PEPSI Max for me as well, please :) - Finding many likelihoods and sweet details, like you and you sister having 31 rabbits!
I'll come by and write a note here, when I've posted the Award post on the blog :)
Happy weekend to you!
Hi Nina,
SletThank you - and my pleasure.
Ha, ha ... I'm looking forward to reading your answers .0)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Congrats again, on the award! :) keep up the good work!
Cheers - and thank you so much again. So nice of you!
SletHave a geat weekend!
Congrats for award, Halle!!!
SvarSletThanks so much for the nomination!
Have a wonderful week!
big hugs
Hi, Anastsia
SletThanks - and my absolute pleasure!
A great weekend to you, too.